Welcome to Acomb First School
A huge welcome to our amazing children, parents, carers and interested visitors. It is a real pleasure and absolute privilege as the Head Teacher of Acomb First School to welcome you to our school website.
Acomb First School is a small school set in the beautiful, rural countryside of Northumberland. We work hard to ensure we have a real family atmosphere. We are committed to supporting and working closely with our families and wider community, nurturing all of our children, valuing the whole child and developing a curriculum which ensures all children develop a lifelong love of learning and are well prepared for their next stage in education.
I am absolutely passionate that at Acomb First School we will provide the absolute best start for your child through reflecting on what we do, using research to find the best ways to teach and the whole staff team learning together.
The governors and I are dedicated to supporting the whole team to create a truly amazing school built on secure foundations of excellent teaching, a unique, memorable, creative curriculum and consistently high academic attainment and progress for all learners.
The staff, children and governors are all extremely proud of Acomb First School and are always pleased to show current or prospective parents around so that you can see for yourself what we have to offer your children. We look forward to meeting you.
Hannah Williamson
Parent and community views:
"Acomb First is an excellent school that encourages children to fulfil their potential and offers a wide variety of extra curricular experiences to broaden learning. Miss Williamson is a force of nature, striving for the best for every child, she works tirelessly to achieve this. Elijah's experience of school life has been so enriched by all the school trips this year and working with local businesses. It has helped keep school exciting and challenging for him. He talks about the things he's learned and done with enthusiasm. I love that he does forest school and that it is an integral part of school life. I passionately believe this is a vital balance to more formal learning in the classroom. Miss Derby has been a wonderful support to Elijah's development in KS1, she's so focussed on his abilities, understands how he learns and her pride in his performance reflects ours. She is an asset to the school. I can't thank the staff enough for their hard work and commitment to making Acomb First a wonderful place to inspire children."
"Lovely school, approachable teachers, friendly atmosphere, great range of activities, feel like the school is always trying hard for the children resulting in them being happy and confident. Going to miss Acomb First School, keep up the good work !
"Outstanding staff commitment and belief in the children. Thank you so much for all of your efforts."
Feedback regarding a project from one of the employers we work with:
"It was fantastic and the children and staff clearly had worked very hard on this (and the project as a whole.)For us that was a vital part of being involved in the project. The Hextol volunteer who attended with 2 members of staff really benefitted from the whole project including attending the showcase .All Hextol volunteers who attended have given very positive feedback. We were very interested to talk to the parents about the impact the project had had at home."